Project: Southhouse Regeneration, Edinburgh Client: Home in Scotland/The City of Edinburgh Council Project Value: £8.0m
Description: Semi detached, terraced houses and apartments. Roads and drainage, refurbishments, stock transfer, public consultancy, amenity areas, parking and community centre. This project was made up of several parts, each with its own unique nuances and challenges, all adding up to a large overall brief. Over the 3½ years of the briefs duration, each part was managed in a very similar fashion to that of our term framework commissions. We kept the same team members and responsible Director right to its completion.
43 York Place,
Edinburgh, EH1 3HP.
tel. 0131 557 5255
100 Brunswick Street,
Glasgow, G1 1TF.
tel. 0141 248 4866
South Point, Herbert House,
Harmony Row, Grand Canal Dock,
Dublin, D02 H270
tel. 01 910 3278